Get to know the dreamer :)

Aking larawan
Queen City of the South, Region VII, Philippines
Frances is an aspiring writer, a lover of life, a Social Worker, takes in delight in life's experiences, a Bipolar Warrior, a loving daughter, a thoughtful sister, a caring friend, a sweet lover and a princess of Christ.


Explore The Vast Horizon

Have you ever tried doing something but the opinion of others hindered you from pursuing such thing? I guess we all have those experiences. We have those moments wherein we just want to splash and do things in our own way or least, in the way that we know we will grow and enjoy life at its best.

To have hold backs and fears is a normal thing. It is okay to be hesitant at first especially if you are the type of person who is still exploring yourself and the world in general. The mere fact that you consider to open your shell and embrace the big world is the beginning of something beautiful. It may be difficult at first but trust me, it will not last forever.

So what are the best things to do that will truly push you to the edge and bring out the bestest in you? Here are the following tips that will help you reach for the sky or even explore the universe:

1) Know your capacities and limitations.

It is a basic thing to know our capacities and limitations is life as these things will guide us wherever we go and whatever situation we are into. What are your strengths? Know your strengths and build them. Use them for your own good and share them to others. What are your weaknesses? Harness your weaknesses and channel them to optimism. While only few know that they can actually transform their weaknesses to strength, make use of them.

What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. -Tony Robbins

2) Know what is your temperament type.
Since the whole point would be going beyond the limits, there is a need to know first your personality type. Are you pleasure-seeking and sociable? They you might be a sanguine. Are you ambitious and has a tendency to lead the group? You might be a choleric. Or maybe you are analytical and quiet and is a melancholic. If you are the the type of person who is oftentimes relaxed and peaceful, then you are a phlegmatic. Don't worry, for each formulation includes the mixture of different types! You may be a little bit of every type but dig down which type prevails among the others.
We continue to shape our personality all our life. If we knew ourselves perfectly, we should die. -Albert Camus

3) Know the PROS and CONS of every situation.
Whenever you're about to decide something new, always take some time to analyze the positive effects or the negative consequences of the action but don't dwell to much on them. Knowing the pros and cons will guide you if the new experience will be worth it. Never underestimate the power of knowing both sides of the coin.

Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.-Margaret Wheatley

4) Seek pieces of advise from your mentor.
When you have a mentor you are being guided to the right path. Choose your mentor well; a mentor should be someone who is willing to bring out the best in you and guide you through the course of life. If at the moment you still do not have a mentor, try to scout and list for people who you think can be of good influence to you and are already successful in their own field. Learn from them.

The best way a mentor can prepare another leader is to expose him or her to other great people. -John Maxwell

5) Have the right attitude.
Going out of your comfort zone would mean a lot of sacrifices. If you are truly convinced that the new experience will be of great benefit, then do whatever it takes even if you are afraid! Sometimes, all it takes is to act well than spending your time overthinking about all the possibilities. Remember the mantra if you got the will then you can find a lot of ways. Be persistent!

Keep a good attitude and do the right thing even when it's hard. When you do that you are passing the test. And God promises you your marked moments are on their way. -Joel Osteen

6) Pray.
With God, nothing is impossible because with Him all things are made possible. Ask for God's guidance and enlightenment. Know that whatever you are doing, You are doing it for God's greater glory. You may not be able to please everybody but who cares? It's only God that You should please.

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. -Saint Augustine
Enjoy the splash of the new adventure and seize the moment!